Virtually all plants except poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac are burnable when dry. Most plants except those with thorns, pickers, milky sap, or bad odor may be used for matts. Some are better for thatching of a roof. some have food value and some have medical value. Plants with long leaves can be woven into baskets, containers, matts, and screens. Mullein’s big, soft leaves are a good substitute for toilet paper.
Above Rose Hips Good source of Vitamins C, A , E can be eaten or used for tea.
Useful Wild Plants Of The United States And Canada by Charles Francis Saunders
Edible Wild Plants Video Field Guide to 100 Useful Wild Herbs
US Department of Agriculture Plants in your State
This site is a great resource for North America and several other places. It has over 46,000 plant images. I clicked on Michigan and it gave me over 13,000 plants with common and scientific name. Selected a plant and saw a picture of the plant, and a map of the areas where the plant is found, showed related plants. Then I clicked to see a document on this plant and a document (which you can see and print) opened showing much more information on the plant including its uses and much more. EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE SITE
The Cattail page from the above site It also offeres 14 images of this plant in different seasons.
cattail.pdf is the document file for the cattail from the above site. It stated parts of this plant is edible year around and you can make a boat, mats, baskets, insulation, flour, fluff, rope, gum, and torches (with coal oil). And there is much additional information. This appears to be THE BEST PLANT INFORMATION SITE.
Tree Identification Using a Tree Leaf Key
A Quick and Easy Way to Identify 50 Common North American Trees
How to Find Wild Edible Plants
Because the world appears to be going mobile. There are probably apps that for a very small cost will put plant identification on your cell phone.
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